A Y N I  Reciprocity

Today for you, tomorrow for me.

The concept of reciprocity or mutualism among people.

The Law of AYNI states that everything in the world is connected, and is the only commandment that rules daily life. Ayni is about recognizing that all of life exists in a sacred balance of give and take. When we practice Ayni we send a message to Existence and partake in the gifts that Life, in exchange, gives back to us. In other words, when observing Ayni we give back to the earth whenever we receive, and by giving to the earth, we know that we’ll be privileged to get something back in return.

“Pachamama, the earth, is the first mother, the true mother, the spirit mother. From her we have all been given form and substance, and it is largely her will that determines the quantity and quality of our worldly sustenance. It is to her, and to the spirits of the rain and the hail and the other elements that exist within her domain, that Andeans owe the very conditions of their lives. Therefore every action they undertake is necessarily an act of AYNI, or reciprocity, with Pachamama. Before any food is eaten or liquid is drunk, a portion is offered to the Earth Mother. Before a spade is thrust into a field, or before a river is crossed, or before a thousand other mundane actions are undertaken, an offering is made to the Mother.” – J. Wilcox

In Kahuna (Hawaiian) language, “mana” refers to the spiritual life force energy or healing power that permeates the universe. Anyone or anything can have mana, existing in all people, things and objects. It is the cultivation or possession of energy and power, rather than being a source of power. It is believed that mana can be gained or possessed through actions, for example, when you act through responsibility and strength, it is believed you will gain Mana.

M A N A    Life Force  


My goal is to help men and women remember: 

Remember where we came from. 

Remember the sacred connection that we have with nature, with the animals, and our planet. 

Remember how to live in the hands of God.

Remember that when we live from our hearts, not from our heads, we can truly fulfill our roles as conscious contributors, seeking harmony and balance in divine connection with the universe.

Remember that we are all one. 

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