Hunting, harvesting, and processing an animal with honor, respect, and intention. Embracing what it feels like to end an animal's life, ultimately connecting us closer to death, yet providing for us, so that we can live. Without death, there is no room for new life. We acknowledge the fact that we, too, will leave this physical realm one day. But in order for us to live, in this moment, optimally, we must partake in this sacred exchange of energy. This perspective gives, “what it means to be alive, in this moment”, a new meaning.

I help facilitate the skills necessary (from start to finish) for sur-thrival, to provide food for our family and friends without depending on the supermarket or “Mother Culture”. This brings us closer to the “Mana” or life force that we put in our bodies.

When we change our perspective and view hunting as a gift, as a privilege, to partake in this sacred exchange to harvest God’s creatures to extend our lives, our reality shifts. We begin to learn new things about ourselves, we begin to remember why we are here and gain clarity on our lives.

Hunting has taught me more life lessons than any textbook or college course ever has. This is why I started Aynimana, to share the gift and right of passage that hunting was for me. To help us remember.


Animal Based Nutrition (Nose-to-tail) is the most nutrient dense food on the planet. There is no greater source of bioavailable vitamins, minerals, and nutrients than meat from an animal. Plants are medicine too and certainly have their healing roles, but to abstain from meat is to abstain from life. As far as I’m concerned, as long as we are human beings living in this 3D human experience, our bodies need meat and animal products to maintain proper Mineral and Vitamin status, along with a fully functioning mind.

 The biggest misconception about “eating meat” that I see in our society right now is the sole focus on muscle meat (i.e steaks). Muscle meat is (⅓) of the equation. We also need organ meats (⅔) and tendons/bones/connective tissue, which provide us with Glycine & Collagen (3/3). This balance is absolutely essential for our intracellular mineral profile. Here’s a video of Dr. Mercola explaining this topic at the Biohacking Conference 2023.

You are what you eat. I believe that we collectively take on the life force that we consume. The spirit of the animal is sacred and is God’s Creation. The difference between eating an animal that was wild, that you hunted vs a factory farmed animal that was fed GMO corn in a glyphosphate sprayed field led to a slaughterhouse has a profound impact on our health, both physically and spiritually.

My journey into hunting has made me realize both how fortunate we are to harvest wild animals  but also the importance of Regenerative Farming for a sustainable future. Lately, this has shifted my mindset to following my dream of ranching and caring for animals. 

Sourcing meat, eggs, & milk from healthy animals that are raised by Regenerative Ranchers and Farmers are lightyears healthier than purchasing  from your local supermarket. This is my latest focus and I will have more to share in the near future.